4 Signs That You Need to See a General Dentist

General Dentist Austin, TX

If you think you are having dental problems, see a general dentist as soon as possible. Unfortunately, dental problems do not usually clear up on their own but tend to worsen without treatment. Learn about the major signs indicating you need to see a dentist immediately.

About general dentists

There are many general dentists in Austin and the surrounding area. It is important for patients to do their research and choose an experienced dentist whom they feel comfortable with. A general dentist provides dental patients with the primary dental care services they need and additional services such as referrals to specialists.

When it is necessary to see a general dentist

Here are four major signs that someone should see a general dentist right away:

#1. Red, swollen, and bleeding gums

According to the American Dental Association, when someone has puffy gums that bleed when brushing or flossing or has a family history of gum disease, it is time to make an appointment. Inflammed and bleeding gums are a symptom of gum disease and need to be treated by a general dentist to prevent them from getting worse. When gum disease is treated in its earliest stage, gingivitis, it can be reversible.

#2. Tooth pain

Tooth pain is a leading sign that it is time to see a dentist. If the pain lasts more than three days or is sharp, it could signify a deeper problem. It is possible for someone who is experiencing tooth pain to have an infection. Toothaches need to be treated quickly in order to keep the infection from spreading. Common treatments for tooth pain include getting a dental filling and undergoing root canal therapy.

#3. Headaches, soreness from grinding teeth

People who grind or clench their teeth will eventually experience tooth-related problems. In addition, they may experience headaches and general soreness in the facial area from the act of grinding and clenching. Some people grind their teeth only at night, some only grind during the day, and some grind during both the night and day. No matter when someone grinds or clenches their teeth, a dentist can help them correct this harmful habit.

#4. Dry mouth

Dry mouth can result from a number of factors and issues, such as certain medical conditions, medications, and aging. This condition means the salivary glands are not making enough saliva in order to keep one's mouth wet. Dry mouth can turn into a chronic condition and create other dental-related problems. Those struggling with dry mouth can get help from a general dentist.

Bottom line

Now you know the common signs that call for a trip to the dentist's office. General dentists are primary care dental providers, making them the first point of contact for someone in need of dental treatment. If you notice any of these four signs, make a dentist appointment as soon as possible to avoid further dental problems.

Request an appointment here: https://austinprimarydental.com or call Austin Primary Dental at (512) 808-5651 for an appointment in our Austin office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Austin, TX.

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